Committed to You

About Psych Insights

One Mental Health App.
Limitless Personal Growth.

Our Psych Insights team is inspired by your unique mental health journey.

Meet Sam Frerer

As our founder and CEO, Sam Frerer believes in taking an all-encompassing approach to client well-being. After graduating from the renowned Monash University with a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours), she began serving as an Army Psychologist (Officer) in the Australian Defence Force. Along the way, she witnessed the power of mental shifts to drive holistic life improvements in even the most challenging military environments.

In addition to earning her General Registration as a Psychologist, Sam nurtures physical transformations as a qualified Personal Trainer. In turn, her diverse expertise lives at the crossroads of mental and physical well-being. Through Psych Insights, she hopes to guide as many individuals as possible toward lifelong balance and steady self-improvement.

Our Story

our story is togetherness

We started Psych Insights with one question in mind: what does personal growth truly mean?

For some, the answer is overcoming anxiety or depression. For others, it’s alleviating daily stress, improving sleep, or enhancing productivity. For many, it’s all about building a better and more fulfilling life.

As we explored today’s mental health apps, we noticed that personalization was the missing piece. Given the wide range of goals within this space, we were inspired to create a space where understanding was paired with targeted support.

From there, we began building a personalized questionnaire and a collection of evidence-based strategy resources, videos, articles, activities, audio sessions, book and podcast suggestions, and much more. Each immersive resource is recommended based on the unique needs, goals, and psychological profiles of those we support. Although we advise reaching out to a psychologist when possible, we recognize the cost constraints, accessibility challenges, and stigma associated with getting help. Despite this, we believe that everyone deserves help.

At Psych Insights, our goal is for you to pivot from surviving to thriving.


To empower users with personalized tools and resources for optimized mental well-being, meaningful self-improvement, and better quality of life.

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To illuminate the path towards a more fulfilled and mentally resilient society. We want mental health resources to be accessible for all, so that regardless of our backgrounds, everyone can benefit from psychological tools and insights that empower them to thrive, not just survive!

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Our Values and Culture


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We are committed to empowering individuals to proactively engage in their mental health journey. Our approach centers on equipping them with essential resources, fostering positive and enduring transformations in their lives. We hold a firm belief that everyone has the innate potential for mental wellness, achievable with the right tools and guidance


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We approach each of our users with deep empathy and compassion, understanding that everyone faces unique challenges. You are not alone in this journey. Our supportive environment is founded on non-judgment and acceptance, reinforcing the idea that struggling is a natural part of life and that reaching out for help is a courageous act of strength, not a weakness


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At the heart of our interactions and services lies a steadfast commitment to integrity. We uphold the highest ethical standards, ensuring that every action and decision is guided by honesty, respect, and a deep sense of responsibility. Our dedication to transparency and trustworthiness is unwavering, as we believe these are the cornerstones of creating a meaningful and impactful relationship with our users.


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We recognize the immense value of fostering a supportive and inclusive community. Our approach is centered around building connections, sharing experiences, and learning from one another. We believe that a strong community is key to individual and collective growth in mental health. Through active engagement, collaboration, and mutual support, we strive to create a nurturing environment where everyone feels understood, valued, and part of a larger, caring network.